Turkey has been talking about the incident that took place at the Military Academy graduation ceremony for days. In the courts set up on social media, some declare young lieutenants as “putschists”, while some, with unconcealed joy, cannot say “The Kemalist army will speak” but still give verdicts that bear a resemblance to February 28 and the Republic Rallies of 2007! First of all, this army belongs to all of us. No one has the right to drag the Turkish Armed Forces into an ideological discussion with political calculations. Especially in this period of history. This army wrote an epic after the July 15 betrayal. It achieved successes that will go down in world military history in the Euphrates Shield, Olive Branch, Peace Spring and Claw Lock operations.
While global imperialism is trying to establish a new world order, it has preserved Turkey's rightful arguments and the interests it is trying to usurp in northern Syria, Iraq, Libya, the Caucasus, the Balkans, Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean. And it continues to do so.
In a process where Turkey is turning into a ring of fire, the last thing we need is for the Turkish Armed Forces to be drawn into internal political discussions. This is exactly what those who compete with us in the geographies we mentioned above want the most. Be careful. This discussion, which is being kept hot with social media reflexes, needs to be ended without continuing any further.
According to official sources, there is currently no investigation into the “Clashing Swords” movement at the Military Academy graduation ceremony. However, an investigation will be conducted. It will be examined why 200-250 of the 980 lieutenants who took the oath repeated the old oath. Action will be taken within the framework of the relevant regulation according to the results obtained. So, is it an indiscipline by young lieutenants? Yes, it is. The TSK will resolve this issue within its own internal structure. This is not the job of social media courts.
Those lieutenants are only in their early 20s. They are excited, they are aware of the great responsibility on their shoulders. Let's not give what they want to those who are looking for an opportunity to divide society by using their excitement. Let's not forget that Anatolia, along with Thrace and the straits, is the most valuable property in the world and that we have the title deed to this property. And of course, those who have their eyes on this property...
It is no coincidence that all the wars and civil unrest affecting the world recently are 1-2 hours away from us as the crow flies. That is why the defense of Anatolia begins in Gaza. That is why Mehmetçik is in Syria, Iraq, Libya…
The National Pact borders drawn by Gazi Mustafa Kemal in the last century are the main target imposed on us by history and geography.
When it comes to our homeland and the National Pact, we are all soldiers of Atatürk.
No one should divert the issue to other sides. No one should try to turn the nation's children against the nation.
Türkiye will not fall into this trap again.